
How we made the Asan cup - Asan UK

How we made the Asan cup

Read to know the journey of how we engineered the Asan menstrual cup.

How we made the Asan cup

Read to know the journey of how we engineered the Asan menstrual cup.

Can your period affect your mental health? - Asan UK

Can your period affect your mental health?

Lets talk about periods, PMS and mental health 

Can your period affect your mental health?

Lets talk about periods, PMS and mental health 

Best menstrual cup for a tilted uterus - Asan UK

Best menstrual cup for a tilted uterus

Learn about using a menstrual cup with a tilted uterus

Best menstrual cup for a tilted uterus

Learn about using a menstrual cup with a tilted uterus

Everything you need to know about menstrual cups - Asan UK

Everything you need to know about menstrual cups

This blog will tell you absolutely everything you need to know about menstrual cups 

Everything you need to know about menstrual cups

This blog will tell you absolutely everything you need to know about menstrual cups 

How to clean a menstrual cup - Asan UK

How to clean a menstrual cup

Everything you need to know about cleaning your menstrual cup 

How to clean a menstrual cup

Everything you need to know about cleaning your menstrual cup 

Are pads the answer to period poverty? - Asan UK

Are pads the answer to period poverty?

Learn about whether pads are the answer to period poverty and what the alternatives are

Are pads the answer to period poverty?

Learn about whether pads are the answer to period poverty and what the alternatives are

Where should the stem of my menstrual cup be? - Asan UK

Where should the stem of my menstrual cup be?

Everything you need to know about your menstrual cup stem 

Where should the stem of my menstrual cup be?

Everything you need to know about your menstrual cup stem