
How we made the Asan cup - Asan UK

How we made the Asan cup

Read to know the journey of how we engineered the Asan menstrual cup.

How we made the Asan cup

Read to know the journey of how we engineered the Asan menstrual cup.

A Gynecologist's Opinion on Menstrual Cups - Asan UK

A Gynecologist's Opinion on Menstrual Cups

Gynecologist answers all your questions about using a menstrual cup.  

A Gynecologist's Opinion on Menstrual Cups

Gynecologist answers all your questions about using a menstrual cup.  

Menstrual cup vs. period underwear: Which is better? - Asan UK

Menstrual cup vs. period underwear: Which is better?

Learn about the differences between period underwear and menstrual cups, and which is better. 

Menstrual cup vs. period underwear: Which is better?

Learn about the differences between period underwear and menstrual cups, and which is better. 

My First Period - Stories From Around The World - Asan UK

My First Period - Stories From Around The World

Stories of first periods from around the world.

My First Period - Stories From Around The World

Stories of first periods from around the world.

menstrual cups and endometriosis: my experience - Asan UK

menstrual cups and endometriosis: my experience

Asan team member Mamta shares her experience with endometriosis.

menstrual cups and endometriosis: my experience

Asan team member Mamta shares her experience with endometriosis.

Can you use a menstrual cup with an IUD? - Asan UK

Can you use a menstrual cup with an IUD?

All your questions about IUDs and menstrual cups answered!

Can you use a menstrual cup with an IUD?

All your questions about IUDs and menstrual cups answered!

Menstrual cups and vaginismus - Asan UK

Menstrual cups and vaginismus

Why does it feel like nothing can enter my vagina?

Menstrual cups and vaginismus

Why does it feel like nothing can enter my vagina?